Saturday 12/09/2017 – 10:30pm EST, 7:30pm PST (Show Notes)

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This week on Rising Resistance, we have guest Branden Simoens joining us to discuss several topics including the dangers of Wi-Fi and smart meters. Please join us, and feel free to call in with any questions or comments.

Branden Simoens is an activist for many issues across the board. He believes our children deserve a better future, and they are the reason he fights this fight every day. He runs several groups on Facebook such as Vaccine Education Network, Revert2Basics, Truthseekers: The Information Addicted, and The Dangers Of Smart Meters, WIFI, Cellphones and EMF/RF Radiation. Branden believes all of these topics are equally important to our health, and education is key. His goal is making as big of an impact as he can, and he wants others to join him on the mission of spreading truth.

Facebook – The Dangers Of Geo-Engineering, Smart Meters, WIFI, Cellphones, EMF, RF

just some empty space

Source: Rising Resistance with guest Brandon Simoens 12/09/2017 by FreedomizerRadio | News Podcasts

