Wednesday 02/27/2019, 1:30pm EST, 10:30am PST
Talia Like It Is (Show Notes) (Past Shows)

Talia Like It Is

Talia Cruz, Talia Like It Is

We are back this week continuing our homeschool chats. Today I am chatting with Jackie – (@raising.cubs) A homeschooling mama of four boys in South Carolina. She runs her own business along with homeschooling her children – happy to have her on to chat about what her days look like, how she got started, how she prioritizes, and how she still makes time for herself!

Raising Cubs, homeschooling family

It has never been more clear that we, the people, must unite to preserve our freedom.


With the fight we had in CA fighting SB277, Oregon with SB442 and now SB895 and other medical mandates, with similar fights around the country against the systematic attempt to remove our medical choice and medical freedoms, I welcome you to listen in to Talia Like It Is.


This is an becoming a global movement. Governments in Australia, Italy, and all over are following suit in the outrageous CDC schedule, and parents are fighting back.


The idea is to take the “vaccine-choice” movement, the home birth/natural birth, home schooling/un-schooling and the “food-choice/anti-GMO” movement and blend them. It’s all about INFORMED CONSENT with me, folks. Being properly informed and then making those decisions for your family how you see fit. Combining these movements is simply the next step in winning the fight to know what is going into our bodies and preserving that choice. I need more parents and soon-to-be parents to wake up and begin the research. Join me!

Source:  Talia Like It Is : Featuring Talia 02/27/2019

